McLary’s blog

Just another weblog

Archive for Eukleia


Wednesday I had a little taste of what the life of a kid is in England. I’ve been here since last December, but it’s difficult to experience the English life, for several reasons. It’s hard to make friends here, not because they don’t like to meet new people, it’s just hard, you don’t know anyone, what can you do? just start to talk to anyone who you came across? “Hi, my name is Luiz Filipe, and I’m trying to make friends. Would you like to be my friend?”

Anyway on Wednesday everybody form Eukleia had one day off and we went to Hyde Park to play rounders and to drink Pimm’s. The idea was to have a nice day out and do some exercise (and I do think it’s going to be as close I’ll get to a health life here) and have fun.

Firstly: what a hell is rounders? I was about to discover on my way to Hyde Park but the communication wasn’t that good when we were trying to survive in a cab carrying food enough to feed a small village. When we got the park and the guys started to prepare the pitch I could understand the basic rules. Basically it’s a baseball without bases and the bat’s size is short, you have to hold the bat with only one hand.

It was funny, even after my ball being caught in the air and go back fielding with just one run. The drink is quite strange. I don’t know how to define it. Sometimes it was like if you had mixed beer and coke up, sometimes it tested like vodka with wet carpet.

On Thursday the office was looking like a battle field, everybody was complaining about their bodies and that the exercise had been to intense for your life style.

One curious fact was that almost all designers are left handed. it’s said that left handed are more creative, now I believe.